I just purchased four Cadillac hats for give-aways; they are not here yet, but let’s figure out how to start giving them away!
Cadillac Baseball Hat
I would like to give the first one away to the person who comes up with the best idea for a Cadillac and Caddyinfo.com related contest to give away a Cadillac Hat. (Yes, we have more hats.)
Contest rules:
- Ideas have to be submitted as a comment to this blog post
- Winner will be selected based on best idea for a Caddyinfo Cadillac-related contest
- Winner will receive an example of a Cadillac hat as shown (after they arrive here), mailed to an address they provide. I will pay S&H. Winner may choose as an alternate prize US$5 via paypal.
- Contest will end in 7 days from today, on Wednesday, Oct 29 at Midnight US central time.
- Submitters agree that any contest idea submitted may be used as a future contest, regardless of whether selected as a winner for this contest.
Please also consider entering our other hat-related contest here: Caddyinfo in 5 words or less