Got up around 5:30 am to rouse the family and start off on our drive from our place in Texas north of Dallas to Georgetown, South Carolina to visit my Wife’s family. We got going just after 7 am.

2005 Cadillac CTS shivering in the dark pre-trip
After having made this 1,167 mile trip several times, our current method is to get up early, stop every 2 hours or so on the way, but try to just keep driving until we get there. 18.5 hours of Cadillac fun.
Our participants this year were Wife1 with pillow, iPhone, and books to read, and Son2 with pillow, blanket, portable DVD player, CDs, and books to read. Son2 was listed as an alternate driver, but did not get called in.
Stats: for the trip the CTS got 26.9 mpg. Our average travel speed was 70+ mph depending on traffic. Our average ‘achieved’ speed with stops for fuel, meals, rest breaks was 63 mph or so.
Luckily we had terrific weather all the way. No rain, no ice, no issues. I was concerned watching the weather before the trip, but it all mellowed out for our route.
As always, the Cadillac CTS made an excellent touring car. Good performance for high speed cruising when needed, good fuel economy, good space for our luggage and accessories.
We arrived with little drama around 2:30 am and got the CTS unpacked.
Brunch at the beach front over looking the surf just after noon was perfect. Sorry no photos of that.