Ran out to Grapevine Texas to meet with Texas Jim and show him my STS-V. Jim lives out west somewhere, so Grapevine is 30 miles from me and 35 miles from him more or less.
I managed not to talk to the STS-V Nav system the right way, so Jim actually provided turn by turn navigation to get me in to the parking lot where we planned to meet. Now I have that spot saved in the nav for another visit. I love that the STS-V has bluetooth so my pocket cell phone becomes a hands-free phone using the 15 speakers in the STS-V when synced.
I’m still driving the Cadillac around dirty, but he had not seen/Driven the V-Series so I wanted to show & discuss. When I was test driving the Cadillac CTS-V I had brought it out to show, but because it was a Dealer car I could not offer test drives. Since the STS-V is my car, I wanted to give Jim a chance to try it out. He posted his take on the experience here.
Jim’s 2006 Cadillac DTS Performance Sedan still looks great at 100K+ miles.
Jim also took numerous pics of the V. One feature the STS-V has is headlight washers. They are actually controlled by the same controls as the windshield washer. So while I sat in the V and hit the washers, Jim grabbed this shot:
Normally that little panel is flush with the front of the car, but on command it lifts up, clearing the nozzles below to spray the headlight covers to wash them clean. Charming.
We had a nice visit and talked about Cadillacs, and ran the STS-V up and down the highway so he could get a feel for it. I think we concluded that it would suit him just fine as a next Cadillac. Actually his 2006 DTS is still going strong so no rush to a new Cadillac.
I like the way the camera autofocus came out on this shot. The STS-V was produced at Lansing Grand River by UAW 652. “One Team, One Goal, World’s Best”; well done.