- WSJ.com – Hearts Actually Can Break http://on.wsj.com/aKWOJr @kellydiels #
- Need New Wiper Blades? – CaddyInfo.com Cadillac Forum: http://bit.ly/cJjlpD Bosch rebate #
- RT @GMblogs: Synergy green Camaro makes an appearance at Chicago Auto Show http://post.ly/N9iV #
- Winding Road | Driven: 2010 Cadillac SRX 2.8T: http://bit.ly/dh7uUa Trust us, it’s worth it. #
- RT @CarMax is giving away a car. http://carmax.com/tweet for rules and details. RT and follow to enter. #
- @GMTexas and my understanding is lunch is calorie-free if you talk about automobiles during it, including dessert. #ChevyFried in reply to GMTexas #
- Commented: self hatred: beneath sugar-coated criticism + self improvement | White Hot Truth: http://bit.ly/dvERHK #
- Commented: Violence. The Dark Side of Sex and Power | Cleavage by Kelly Diels.: http://bit.ly/cmranb #
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