For this contest I asked that entrants describe in 5 words or less.
Our Entrants are:
- Cristina Favreau “Caddyinfo: All Things Cadillac”
- Cristina Favreau “Caddyinfo: A blog for the Cadillac Enthusiast”
- Lara, The Data Digger “Caddyinfo: Cadillac Cars, Care and Camaraderie“
- BodybyFisher “Caddyinfo: A Cadillac Lover’s Paradise”
Our contest rules:
“I will offer a Caddyinfo T-shirt or Cadillac Hat for the best responses by the end of October if I am able to select and use one that is better than those shown as the new subtitle for”
In review, our rules were not clear enough. First, they seem to suggest there might not BE a winner, but should say that I WILL award a prize.
Our 3rd Place Winner: Caddyinfo, All Thinks Cadillac
Our 2nd Place Winner: Caddyinfo: A Cadillac Lover’s Paradise
and our overall Winner: Caddyinfo: Cadillac Cars, Care, and Comaraderie
Congratulations to Laura! Laura please contact me via Facebook, Twitter, etc and let me know your address and which prize you would prefer: Cadillac Hat, Shirt (and size), or “equivalent prize value” (if you would prefer to have cash) and delivery method.
BBF as our 2nd place prize winner, please also let me know if you prefer a Cadillac Hat, or a shirt (t-shirt from Vistaprint or a new polo from Queensboro?).
I know Cristina enjoys Tim Horton’s so I’ll post Coffees to her Blog Gadget as our 3rd place prize.
Thank you to everyone for their submissions!!! That’s the 2nd time we ended a contest with every submitter winning a prize.
OMG!!!! I won! I won!
I would like to thank the following people….
Wow! This is awesome. Seriously, thank you very much.